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Fed up with not being able to find the right hair products ?

by Tanya Eldred Bhat 14 Dec 2022

There is no single Indian look.

Across the length and breadth of this vast subcontinent, Indians come in all shades of complexions, shapes, and hair types. Absolutely straight hair is not native to large parts of India – curly and wavy hair of various types abound in their springy, irrepressible wonder. Yet, hair care catering to them is still at a very nascent stage. Fed up with not being able to find the right hair products for her wavy/curly/mostly moody hair, founder Tanya Bhat decided she was going to find out how to have a good hair day, every day. Curious and conscientious by nature, she started learning everything she could about hair.

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XO Curls 6 Piece combo for complete hair care - Six-piece combo to soothe dryness and frizz. Includes comb, oil, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner & gel.
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